Did you hear about ALGE2019? I am so excited to tell you about how we got to know about it, and I am so grateful we got the opportunity to participate. It was so beneficial for us and SjøBjørg and here are 5 reasons why.
Sintef Ocean
1. Aknowledgement
I was actually invited to talk at the first seaweed conference held by The Norwegian Seafood Federation / Sjømat Norge, the largest seafood federation in Norway. Alge2019 took place in Olso on October 3rd at NHO.
What an honor!
It is a huge acknowledgement for a small entrepreneur company to get such a great opportunity. We really appreciate it, and it is very motivating and inspiring. Also, is it so much fun to get the opportunity to listen to people talk about the things you love and get the opportunity to tell about the things you love. We were like kids in a candy store, it was awesome!
2. My presentation
At first, I thought who am I to talk in a conference for the seaweed industry? Well, we have our history, our 15 years+ experience within the seaweed industry and of course a lot to tell about. I talked about how SjøBjørg started and were we are at today. How the Vikings used seaweed as part of their survival kit. Our first pilot product. How we see diverse opportunities in use of seaweed. Our supporters because without them we had not come so far. Our challenges regarding establish a company and going into the market. And at last, I gave a hint what is happening at SjøBjørg in the near future.
And yes, if you are wondering, I was stressed out no doubt about that, but I did it, and I hope my presentation was interesting for the audience. It is was an extra challenge for me since Norwegian is not my mother language. Nevertheless, we got very positive responds afterwards.
3. Information
Overall, it was an excellent conference, with so many interesting speeches and valuable information about seaweed and the industry. It was exciting to hear about increasing interest and expanding process of algae in Norway in the first years, as well as what the scientists said about their researches in cultivation and sustainability. That the State Secretary for the Minister of Fisheries was participating in the conference, shows the relevance of it.
Furthermore, it was very important to hear how the government is responding to this fairly new industry.
4. Network
Networking is very important, and it is amazing how little connections often can lead to fantastic things. We met a lot of great people and made a lot of new connections. It will be fun to see where it could lead us in the future.
Tips: it is essential to attend conferences within your field because you get so much information and all kind of links among people and businesses.
5. ALGE 2019
It was all about how seaweed is developing in Norway and what is happening in the near future. Due to scarcity of food in coming years we have to use more of this fantastic raw material to nurture ourselves, because it is sustainable and healthy.
Have a lovely day,
Yours Sigurbjorg