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As a part of Norwegian Vikings survival kit, seaweed was a great nutritional source in harsh and challenging conditions. The Vikings used it to boost their energy and wellbeing. Thus, Arctic Vita is developed to elevate this vital super food.
There can be multiple benefits of seaweed. Seaweed in general is rich in vitamins and supplements. It contains A, C, E and small amount of vitamin B, as well as iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, calcium and chromium plus many more.
Studies show that Ascophyllum nodosum can have many benefits for the health like:
Seaweed is rich in Iodine which is an important trace element in the function to thyroid gland that balances hormones, increases metabolism including energy levels and weight regulation.
Cardiovascular system
Seaweeds abundant minerals can improve blood quality which is the key to better cardiovascular health, among other things. Normalize blood pressure, muscle contraction and blood circulatory system.
The immune system
Seaweed supports the immune system as it contains anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal components.
Seaweed with its vitamin C helps maintaining a normal skin and supports the collagen formation of the skin.
Digestive health
Seaweed is rich in fiber and protein that can help the gut flora and creates healthy digestion. Can also promote growth favourable bacteria (Bifidobacteria).
Seaweed helps with normal cognitive function and contributes to normal function of the nervous system with its natural iodine and vitamin c.
Ascophyllum nodosum is also rich in antioxidant.